Black On Green HTML Text-Adventure Game Template


Get black on green html game template for your next text-adventure game what you’re developing on your website/app.



This black on green html text-adventure game template enables you to instantly develop your own text-adventure game in html. You can customize a header and console area of your template with your desired text-based content. Command panel has hover effects when mouse is hovering over links to each command of a game via a linked html file. However; additional files are not included. However; a CSS file is already included to enable you repeat styling on each page,–without needing to copy these styles inside the head area of an html page.

This template includes a dedicated “Advertisements” div container inside the console area of a template to add your desired ad code via an ad network of choice.

The footer area of this template is ideal for any other desired content of choice like trivia, PTC banners via any PTC network, etc.

Meta tag set to “noindex” is not included, you have to set a tag on the inside of your game yourself.

No watermarks! You can use this template without any restriction. You own your own work, this template is always reusable, this template is in the public domain, so you can reuse it!

Works With Any Text-Adventure Game Genres

The following generes can be used when creating a text-adventure game:

  • Fiction
  • Religion
  • Children’s
  • Comedy

Online Text-Adventure Game Creation

All you have to do just edit this template; create a new html file, and new forders for directories for your text-based game. Already contained in folder,–without needing to create on on your local machine.

Just link to your existing CSS file to quickly fetch styles. If you have a website; you may need to use full URLs for the best results.

Audio files are optional (not included).

Background images can be used to add custom look and feel to your text-based game (not included).
Optional javascript for development of a single-page text-adventure games via command line (not included)
Title is blank to enable you to title your game.
CSS file inside “style_workings” directory. That also enables you to edit and customize your styles of your game what you’re developing.

What’s Inside:

  • 1 index.html file
  • 1 “style_workings” folder with 1 Template.css file included
  • Read_Me.txt file included

Interactive Demo

This product has an interactive demo to try out a product,–before you buy it!

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